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3 Februari 2024

Friday Taqwa at MIS Nor Rahman Kota Banjarmasin Deepens Religious Values

Sab, 3 Februari 2024 Dibaca 190x Berita

MI Nor Rahman News – Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta (MIS) Nor Rahman Kota Banjarmasin once again organized its routine Friday Taqwa event, attended by the entire madrasah community. The event took place in the Madrasah courtyard on Friday, February 2, 2024.

The activities commenced with a profound sense of devotion through the congregation of Dhuha Prayer, attended by teachers, students, and all members of the madrasah. Subsequently, the religious atmosphere deepened with the recitation of Surah Yasin and Tahlil, awakening spirituality among the participants.

Following the initial sequence, the program continued with a study session on the Book of Akhlak Lil Banin. The study was led by the Religious Coordinator, Muhammad Hafiz Ansyari. In his discourse, Hafiz conveyed the importance of etiquette towards fathers, delving into the noble values applicable in daily life.

Participants enthusiastically absorbed each piece of advice from Hafiz, emphasizing the significance of respecting and loving parents. “Etiquette towards fathers is the fundamental foundation in building the noble character of a child,” expressed Hafiz.

The Friday Taqwa event at MIS Nor Rahman Kota Banjarmasin concluded with a collective prayer, seeking blessings for the entire madrasah community. The event not only strengthened religious bonds but also served as a platform for profound moral education for the students.

With various positive activities like this, MIS Nor Rahman Kota Banjarmasin continues its commitment to developing education based on religious and moral values, shaping future generations with strong character and high ethics.

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